The Pharmacy is where you will collect your medicine from. It is a busy service and there may be a waiting period to collect your scripts. The Pharmacy is located in the new Olivia Newton John Cancer and Wellness Centre on Level 3, just past Clinic 5.


Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Safety Net:

The PBS Safety Net program is a government initiative that helps keep your spending on medications low. The Safety Net works by "capping" your annual spend on medications, so once you reach that spend amount, your medications are either free or much cheaper. The table below explains the current Safety Net thresholds:



General patients

Concession card holders

Patient contribution

Up to $36.10


Safety Net threshold



Safety Net patient contribution



Once you reach the threshold, you can apply for a PBS Safety Net Card which you need to show to prove you have reached the Safety Net threshold. The Austin Pharmacy will have a record of your scripts, however they do not keep track of scripts you have lodged at other pharmacies. You can ask your other pharmacies for a print-out of your scripts and take them to the Austin Pharmacy where your scripts can be consolidated and you can then apply for a card.

Diary Dates

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