Seek out support
Talk about your feelings to others who will understand- discussing your reactions is part of the recovery and coping process.
Ask your Social Worker to arrange a meeting with another carer
If you feel you need some extra support speak to your GP to arrange some counselling

Time out
Build in time for yourself
Schedule at least one pleasurable activity every day- go for a walk, listen to music, go out for a coffee, run a bubble bath

Prayer, reflection and meditation
Click here for a list of Meditation classes around Victoria

Time management
Review commitments, reorganise priorities
Accept whatever help is offered
Make a list of ways people can help
It is OK and necessary to sometimes say “no”
Set a realistic goal of what to achieve for each day and take pride in each accomplishment

Eat properly
Minimise caffeine and sugar intake
Have regular balanced meals to keep your energy levels high
When you come to hospital bring your own lunch to avoid eating fast food from the cafes

Have fun, laugh
Get together with friends who make you laugh
See a light hearted movie
Read a funny book

Keep things in perspective
Focus on the positives
Try not to "sweat the small stuff"

Diary Dates

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