Once your physician thinks you are ready for a transplant, they will ask the Assessment Nurse Co-ordinator to organise your "Work Up".

"Work Up" is the term given to the assessment phase of your transplant, where you come into the hospital and undergo tests, interviews and possibly some procedures.

The purpose of the Work Up is for the team to get a better idea of your physical health, psychological well being and your social supports.

All of these factors are taken into account to decide whether liver transplantation is the best option for you.

Having a transplant can be a challenging experience and you will need the support of others to get through it. You will need to bring your carer, family members or friends along to your Work Up appointments so they can learn about transplantation and get to know the team.

The Work Up will usually go for three days or sometimes longer depending on the tests you need. If you live far away from the hospital you may be accommodated in the Austin Medi-Hotel during your Work Up.

If you and the team agree that transplantation is the right choice of treatment, you will be "Activated" and put on the waiting list for transplantation.

Diary Dates

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